Rabbidbowl-part 1 is the 31st episode of the 3rd season of Rabbids Invasion. And is a part of a two parter
Lapinibernatus tries to get his electro plunger back from the other rabbids.
The episode begins with the rabbids starting their Rabbidbowl (a sport that has the rabbids getting a brick through tires) tournament, with Mini-Rabbid, Gorilla Rabbid and a nerdy rabbid as the fans. Lapinibernatus gets annoyed by this and tries to leave in the TV time machine. However, it doesn't work because the power source, the Electro Plunger is missing. Lapinibernatus sees that the plunger is being used as the ultimate prize of winning the tournament. He demands to have it back, but this does nothing. He then sees that the mach is over and that the match is starting. He decides to use this as an advantage, he gathers up the three fans on the bench and forms his own team. However, their mach is against Professor Mad Rabbid and his Mad Rabbidroids. At first, the situation doesn't go well, but Lapinibernatus manages to get the three players do better. However, Professor Mad Rabbid, showing a more cheating side, plants a tracker on the brick and uses a remote to constantly score goals. Ultimately causing Lapinibernatus's team to lose, thus leading Mad Rabbid's team to the finals agains the Mafia Gang. At the end a rabbid who was vacuuming a floor discovers what happened and that the Professor cheated, and a To Be Continued screen shows up.