Torx takes over the Rabbids sub.
- Otto Torx: What is this? It's too small! This is a takeover! Starting from now, I am the new captain of this... Now, let's see if we can figure out how these controls work. What the... This doesn't make any sense! Alright. Now that I've got more of a handle on this machine, let's get down to business. Intercepting the presidential airplane! Get that out of my sight! Right now!
- Otto Torx's Robot: Locked on target.
- Otto Torx: There must be an automatic pilot on this thing somewhere... Sensitive machine... Maybe... this one? Huh? What? What was that? What? Where was I? Oh yes, the presindential airplane. This time, Mr. President, I will be diifficult to ignore!
- Pilot: Uh, Mr. President? Sir? There is a pirate vessel that's headed straight for us!
- The President: What's this all about?
- Pilot: Nothing! The probelm was resolved by a group of Rabbids.
- otto Torx: If you think I'm going to jump, then you're out of your tiny mind!