Rabbid Home is the 25th episode of the 2nd season of Rabbids Invasion (TV series)
Three Rabbids get banned from the junkyard and are rolled into an unlocked house, where they decide to make it their new home. Their playtime goes through pool diving, a wedding, and a barbecue! After foiling the house down with their shenanigans, they pack up and leave the house, which in reality, it belongs to a married couple flying for a romantic getaway!
The Rabbids are holding a celebration for an upcoming attempt to reach the moon. Three rabbids are awaiting to receive some tasty sausages. The pilot Rabbid arrives and cuts ahead of the three rabbids. The pilot and chef rabbid high-five and the chef gives the pilot a sausage he was cooking. The pilot used it as a deodorant, but didn't like the smell it left his armpits in. The pilot demanded the chef to give him another. And the chef prepares another sausage, one with a banana peel, a dash of hot sauce, and a flag. The pilot showed the three other rabbids the sausage before eating it. The sausage made the pilot burp, he enjoyed it and the chef gave him more sausages. The three other rabbids get impatient and two of them toss the pilot aside. The two rabbids advanced on the chef, who tried to defend himself using the fork he was using. But one of the other rabbids takes it and eats it. The chef begged for mercy before the other rabbids takes him and throws him off. The two rabbids celebrate as the third other rabbid returns with a bunch of sausages.
They set the sausages on the barbecue and stuff a bunch of junk to serve as fuel for the barbecue. One of the three rabbids slams the lid and sits on it, but the barbecue starts shaking violently. The other rabbids at the party take notice, the two other rabbids grab a hold of the barbecue before it suddenly lifts off. It ended up slamming into the rocket the rabbids were planning to reach the moon with. It rained burnt sausages for a bit before the rocket leaned over and fell into the ground. The three rabbids found this amusing, but the other rabbids got angry with them. They stuffed them into a tire and hold a sort of trial at the top of the launch pad. The other rabbids vote to exile them and the chef slams a sandal like it was a gavel. The pilot shoves the tire off the pad, and it rolls down the ramp and out of the junkyard. The other rabbids cheer and the pilot taunts them goodbye.
A couple is leaving for a vacation, but they left their door unlocked and open. They drive off and noticed the rolling tire with the rabbids inside. It rolled over the car and rolled into the house. It pinballed around the furniture before coming to a stop. The trip left the rabbids dizzy and one of them green around the gills, which took a fishbowl to puke into. Another rabbid dizzyingly bumps into a counter with a lamp, making the lamp fall on him and electrify him. The other rabbid dizzyingly bumps into a fireplace, making a picture fall on him. The rabbid took a look at the picture and saw it was a graduation photo. The other rabbids took a look at the graduation photo and took notice of the other pictures on the fireplace. The rabbid got excited, handed the graduation photo to another rabbid. He grabbed another photo, smashed it into his head. The rabbid looked at the graduation photo again and it is shown that the rabbid is imitating the photo, using the picture as the graduation hat, a toilet paper as a tassel, and a toilet paper roll as a degree. The other rabbids are astonished by this and the rabbids hops on top of a couch and gives a graduation speech. The other rabbids get bored and throw the other pictures at him. The toilet paper roll dropped by the other rabbids, an the two have a brief fight over it. One ended up rolling onto the lamp and crashing somewhere with the roll.
The graduating rabbid gets back up, with a picture in his mouth. His mouth dropped open, making the picture drop into his hands as he noticed the rabbid with the roll now had a wig made of toilet paper, and the lamp's hood served as some sort of dress. The rabbid is smitten with the other rabbid's new look and he noticed the picture in his mouth is a wedding photo. He resolved to win the dress rabbid's heart. He got a vase of flowers and used it as a bouquet to give the dress rabbid. "She" accepted it and the rabbid began giving "her" kisses. But the dress rabbid rejected his advances, smacking him with the bouquet. The third rabbid laughed at him. The dress rabbid showed him that it was because he didn't have a mustache or a bow tie. The dress rabbid took out a market and took off the cap, which "she" threw into the third rabbid's eye. He held the eye as the dress rabbid drew the mustache and bow tie on the graduating rabbid. The two then hold a wedding ceremony together, with the third rabbid flinging toilet papers around like they were petals. The third rabbid got jealous of them and had an idea. The wedded rabbids noticed the toilet papers stopped and turned to see the third rabbid now dressed up as well. "She" began flirting with the groom rabbid and the bride rabbid got jealous and slingshotted her bouquet into the other dress rabbid and began dragging the groom rabbid off. The other dress rabbid grabbed the groom rabbid and they began having a tug-o-war. The groom rabbid ended up falling face first into another picture. He got up and another picture ended up on his face. It was a picture of someone diving off a high dive at a pool. This gave the competing dress rabbids the idea to hold a high dive contest. Using a bunch of furniture to make the high dive, they climbed up and competed to see who would go first.
The groom rabbid noticed another picture, this one being a photo of a barbecue, with sausages. This caught his interest, and he showed the other rabbids this before dashing off. The second dress rabbid shoved the first dress rabbid off, but "she" grabbed "her" and they fell down together. The rabbid got into the fridge and found a bunch of sausages. The rabbids set a bunch of stuff into the fireplace to make a makeshift fire to cook the sausages with. The rabbids arrived with the sausages, they cheered and began "cooking" their sausages, but the middle one grabbed four sausages whereas the others only grabbed one. They noticed and one got jealous. The middle rabbid noticed his sausages were gone, he turned to the right one, who had his mouth full. He turned to the left one, who had a sausage still out his mouth, he slurped it back in before pinning the blame on the right rabbid. The middle rabbid got suspicious, the right rabbid tried to deny this, but the middle rabbid touched his cheeks, making the sausages fly out his mouth. The middle rabbid got angry with the right rabbid and began beating him up. The house and screen were seen shaking violently as the fight occurred.
Later, the house was seen in a total mess. One rabbid was seen in the tire from before, another one got up with sausages him his mouth, the third one got up with another picture in his mouth. He got it out and they noticed it was a picture of the car. The rabbids gasp in awe and interest, before hearing the car roll back up to the house. The couple returned for their house keys, they briefly argued over who left them there. They left their car door open and the rabbids gained interest. The couple found the keys and they briefly continued arguing over who left them there. The rabbids snuck out and the guy fully closed the door and got the key out. He claimed they were lucky as someone could've gotten inside and vandalized the house. It then showed the destruction the rabbids left behind, with the ceiling fan falling down. The couple got ready to return to their vacation, but they noticed their car was missing. It was the rabbids, they stole it and took it for a joyride. Two rabbids were steering the car and the third one popped up and covered their eyes. Making them swivel the car around before it ended up crashing.