A Rabbid switches brains with a Dinosaur.
- Delivery Man: Kids...
- Otto Torx: It's finally here! My Mind Control Helmet. Soon, the entire world will regret they did not recognize my genius! Thanks to the helmet, I'll take control over this ferocious beast and turn it into the most powerful weapon ever! Why isn't this working? Before using your mind control helmet, make sure you re-install the Wi-fi driver of your central unit. Why didn't they say so before? Ah, which one is it? There, now it should work. Now back to my... Where did my helmet go> And my Raptor?
- Mr. Gassman: Run for your lives! Go, go, go!
- Wesley: Hey, what's going on?
- Officer Murphy: No wonder they became extinct.
- Alice: You look so real! Hey, do you want to share my doughnut? Go! Hi!
- Garrett: got this.
- Officer Murphy: Me? Yeah. After you, buddy.
- Garret: Their on the roof! You go!
- Officer Murphy: You talking to me?
- Alice: Now, you just stop being mean! You think you're some kinda king with that crown of yours. Hi.
- Officer Murphy: See, I told you you should have gone up there. Hey, this looks kinda cool.
- Otto Torx: Oh, there you are, you've come home to daddy.
- Officer Murphy: Excuse me, sir... have you seen my partner around here anywhere? Little guy? Police cap? No?