Raving Rabbids Wiki
Series Name
Season 4, Episode 16
Rabbid allergy titlecard
Air date July 1st 2018
Written by Pascal David
Directed by Antoine Colomb
Episode Guide
The Bowtie And The Rabbid
Aztec Rabbids


A Rabbid gains an allergy from eating a Caterpillar.


One of Zak's Rabbids' starts acting more affectionate and starts to hug Zak, Zak rejects him and tells him to play with his other Rabbid buddies. The Rabbid finds 3 caterpillars and hugs them all, he then accidentally swallows them after his Rabbid buddy crashes into him. The Rabbid then has something like a seizure, Zak goes and see what's wrong with him, he sees that the Rabbid has yellow and blue spots, his arm is soon paralyzed and he calls Zoe telling her his arm is unable to move after touching the Rabbid but it soon gets better. Zoe asks what's wrong with the Rabbid and Zak replies that the Rabbid is covered in spots. After doing some research, Zoe discovers that he should not touch the Rabbid or he will be paralyzed, two of the other Rabbids get paralyzed and are put in Zak's backpack, Zak tells the Rabbid to stay while he goes to Zoey for more info, however, the Rabbid gets captured by Dumbar and Doff who get paralyzed. The truck coon crashes in the city where several onlookers appear, to see what happened and one of them comes in contact with the allergic Rabid. Meanwhile, Zak and Zoe find out why the Rabbid has spotted it's an allergic reaction caused by the caterpillars who laid their eggs inside its stomach (which it's something caterpillars do when they are swallowed by a predator). Back at the city, all of the onlookers are now fully paralyzed, and it is reported on the news, the president sends bridge who sends two men in radiation suits to take care of the Rabbid but one of them does get paralyzed and the other cowards out causing Bridget to nearly send in a missile before she interrupted by Zak who tries to give the Rabbid the pesticide but it ends up being drunk by another Rabbid, Zak nearly gets paralyzed and so does Bridget until the Rabbid spits out a group of butterflies. Zak becomes happy and hugs the fully cured Rabbid and they drive off.


  • Zak: Hey! Gimmie some space! What's this? Hey! What's wrong? Aah! What's going on? I can't move my arm!
  • Zoe: Hey!
  • Zak: Hey!
  • Zoe: Are you okay?
  • Zak: I touched one of the Rabbids, and my arm is paralyzed! It's better.
  • Zoe: What's wrong with him?
  • Zak: He... He ate a caterpillar, and now he's covered in yellow and blue spots!
  • Zoe: Okay, I'm doing a search. Whoa! Whatever you do, don't touch him or you could be paralyzed!
  • Zak: Uh-huh. Huh? I'll call you back! You can't touch anybody! Don't worry, we'll get you better. You just have to stay by yourself for a while. Be right back!
  • Dumbar: Yeah! Hey, it's our lucky day! The boss will be happy we found one. What the--? Hey!
  • Doff: Yeah, finally. Hey! I can't move!
  • Guy: Hey, what happened?
  • Mr. Gassman: What happened?
  • Artist: What?
  • Guy: Run! Hey, Rex! Where'd you go?
  • Zak: Catapillars reproduce in the predator's stomach, which multiples the allergic reaction... Oh, man!
  • Zoe: Oh, no! It's a time bomb!
  • Officer Garret: Hey! Hey, what's going on here?
  • Officer Murphy: This is car 4-0-1! We got a problem!
  • News Reporter: A mysterious epidemic is spreading through the city! The president has declared a quarantine!
  • The President: Our scientific team has discovered the source of the breakout. We're sending in our Special Intervention Unit.
  • Zak: He's floating now. What do we do?
  • Zoe: Insecticide... It's worth a try!
  • Guy: Rex? Rex, where are you boy? Rex? Rex! Rex?
  • Bridget: President, we're on site. Good to go. Go! Go! Go!
  • Guy: Go!
  • Guy 2: I didn't sign up for this!
  • Bridget: Mr. President, we're gonna have to go to plan B! I'm sending the missile...
  • Guy: Wait! I see something!
  • Bridget: What? What on--?
  • Zak: Ready? Fire! Aw, man! You have to drink this! Okay... Hey! Hold that. Catch this! No, no, don't touch anything. Don't move. Hey, pass me, the.. the... Oh no... Quick! Before they catch up! Let's go!
  • Bridget: Stop! You're under arrest!
  • Guy: Rex? Rex?
  • Zak: Huh? Seriously? The Caterpillars turned into butterflies! You're cured, buddy! Give me a hug!
  • Guy: HUh? Rex! Rex!
  • Bridget: I need a vacation.

