President Potus (also known as The President and USA President) is the president of the United States.
President Potus is kind and good man, who writes all the treaties to ending the wars. He can also be very calm and level-headed, whenever the situations are getting worse. It is quite possible that he worked at the president for years, due to his old age.
The president is tall and skinny man. Due to his old age, he has a white hair and some wrinkles on his face. He also wears a blue suit and a red (sometimes blue) tie.
Season 2[]
In his first appearance The Incredible Rabbid Space Time Machine, He finishes up a peace treaty to end all wars.
In The Pact of the Super Rabbids, He makes a contract in which all countries are to sign in order for the rabbids to be taken down.
In On the Rabbid Trail, He is ready to sign the contract that will have their forces attack the rabbids. However, before he can do so, the three rabbids accidentally crash into his plane. Here he realises that the rabbids are not a threat, they're just really stupid. However, his team (and John Charles) mistake this crashing as an attack, so they decide to crash the plane to terminate the threat. They shoot out a missile that causes the plane to start falling down. The President, showing more of his athletic abilities, tries to get a parachutes for himself and the rabbids. But the rabbids don't understand and keep getting rid of the parachutes. Finally, the President falls out of the plane. However, the rabbids show their heroic side by saving his life. Impressed by their bravery, he calls back his order attack the rabbids and decides to let them peacefully leave.
Season 3[]
In Rabbid Heatwave Part 1, He informs fellow world citizens that the Rabbids are heroes.
In Rabbid Heatwave Part 2, He inform fellow world citizens that he have an important statement to make. It is with a heavy heart that he inform them that he was mistaken. The rabbids are not heroes, they're not here to help us, they really don't care about the polar ice problem, they're simply idiots, deeply, deeply stupid. But there's nothing they can do about it.
Season 4[]
In The Revenge Of The Rabbid Mole, He is "Attacked" by the Flying Submarine, mistaken for a UFO.
In Commando Rabbid,
In Rabbids Vs The Infernal Kitten,
In The Attack of the Rabbid Flies,
In Mad Rabbid and Leonardo's Astrolabe,
- His real name is PresideNt Potus.
- He was in the Special Forces.
- He parodies and resembles Joe Biden.