Raving Rabbids Wiki

Mad Rabbid is a Rabbid from Rabbids Invasion (TV series) and he is one of the protagonist/antagonists of Rabbids Invasion Season 3 and 4.


Mad Rabbid has a red bump on his head (much like Rabbid Mozart) and Einstein hair, he seen wearing multiple outfits (he wears the most outfits in season 4)which includes a his clay mustache (Mad Rabbid and the Genius's Mustache), a pirate outfit (Rabbid Pirates Part 2), and a captain outfit (The Rabbid Boat)



Mad Rabbid has a superior I.Q than that of his Rabbid companions, however, there are signs that is he is still stupid. Unlike his friends, Mad Rabbid is quite skillful and causes some Rabbids to like him more than Lapinibernatus, consequently making him jealous. Mad Rabbid also has a crazed laugh that he utters whenever he has an idea or has succeeded at something. Mad Rabbid also has a huge ego. He also seems to only care about his own self, not caring at the expense of others, such as using his fellow Rabbids for his experiments, to hogging the submarine's toilet while playing his video game, despite whether or not the other Rabbids desperately need to go.


In Rabbids Invasion[]

Season 2[]

He is first seen in Mini Rabbids vs. Giant Chicken where he enlarges the mini-rabbid, but also a chicken, causing a fight.

Next, he appears in Invisible Rabbid, where he makes himself invisible.

Then again in The Incredible Rabbid Space-Time Machine where he creates the time washing machine in order to get to the moon.

In Rabbidstein, Professor Mad Rabbid decides to make an assistant for himself.

In Anti-Grabbidy, he invents an Anti-Gravity ray

In Rabbid Remote, he creates a remote capable of warping through TV channels, as well as stopping time itself and rewinding and winding it.

In Mad Rabbid vs. the Robots, he fights an army of evil Rabbidroids.

In Dr. Mad Rabbid’s Super-Duper Iron-Clad Underpants, he invents iron underwear that causes a magnetic disaster.

In Mad Rabbid and the Genius's Mustache, not only is it explained how he got his wig, but he also has a flashback of how the Rabbids went crazy over his fake mustache.

In Rabbid 00Zilch he serves to the Secret Agent Rabbid as a gadget giver. Having a similar role to Q from James Bond.

In Mad Rabbid and the Rabbid Clones,

Season 3[]

In Gorilla Rabbid, he accidentally turns his assistant into a giant.

In Rabbid Twin, he clones his assistant.

In Rabbid  Assistants, he and his assistant use Lapinibernatus's alarm for their new Donut Tracking Device.

In Radioactive Rabbid, he along with his assistant (who swallowed some plutonium) try to get more plutonium.

In Heroic Rabbids, he concocts an experiment to become the smartest of Rabbids, he drinks it but it makes Mad Rabbid go crazy and he's turned into a power-hungry psychopath, he modifies the painting so that he becomes a pitiless supervillain and he began to poison the Junkyard. He sees three Rabbids (A Rabbid with blonde hair, a normal Rabbid and a Rabbids with his puppets) leave the bar and arrives at the wreck of the bus, he meets terribly Mad Rabbit under the guise of a supervillain, he delivers his canneries For three rabbits to drink the cans, once the three cans drunk by the three Rabbids go crazy (with the exception of Rabbids where he puts his false jaw), Mad Rabbids began to poison the Junkyard. Mad Rabbid and his gang steal the cargo of cans Pepper he ordered canneries Rabbids and using his fire extinguisher in the direction of while he Mini Rabbid was captured by Mad Rabbid and his gang, Mad Rabbid asked Mini Rabbid to drink the poisoned can, Mini Rabbid refuses, but Mad Rabbid psycho-dynamically forces him to drink the can, but Lapinbernatus (known as Red Beard), started putting Mad Rabbid and his band out of harm's way and slapping them with a leek kick from his legendary sucker, Mad Rabbid is neutralized by Red Beard, but Red Beard is being hit by a wounding Rabbid, Mad Rabbid discovers that Red Beard is actually Hibernatus, Mad Rabbid kidnaps Hiberatus in his lair, to make him poisoned while he is the smartest Rabbids. While the Rabbids go crazy, Mini Rabbid tries to infiltrate the wreckage of the bus, Mini Rabbids imitates the madman and the two Rabbids pass Mini Rabbid, Mini Rabbids found his friend imprisoned by Mad Rabbid, Mad Rabbid tries to make Hibernatus his servant, but Mini Rabbid takes a picture of him and slaps him in a blow of cactus pot with his sucker, Mad Rabbid is neutralized, while Hibernatus prepares to turn this psychotic poison into an antidote to calm the madness of Rabbids, but Mad Rabbid poisons Mini Rabbid to avenge himself, Hibernatus, furious when he sees Mad Rabbid turned Mini Rabbid crazy, he uses his antidote to heal Mini Rabbid of his madness, Hibernatus pre-empts his revenge against Mad Rabbid and makes Mini Rabbid his partner. During the battle for the Junkyard's fate, the jawed Rabbid falls, Hibernatus knocks out the Rabbid's puppet and fights them, Female Rabbid juggles cactus, but she accidentally eats a cactus against Mad Rabbid, Mad Rabbid bad Hibernatus with a fish and they head to the top of the Junkyard, Hibernatus chooses from his sucker a chainsaw, but he accidentally uses the chainsaw in direction of Mad Rabbid leaving tomato fish. Disarmed with his fish, Mad Rabbid escapes from the summit by flying with a kite, but he intervened a cannon launch left by the Rabbid Female taken by Mini Rabbid, after this battle, Mad Rabbid drinks the antidote of Hibernatus and Mad Rabbid became normal. At an unknown moment, it is likely Hibernatus has used the antidote to Rabbid poisoned by Mad Rabbid to heal and make them normal. In the morning, Mad Rabbid prepares a poison to turn theRrabbids into felines before taking revenge against Hibernatus, but Hibernatus and Mini Rabbid prepares to take Mad Rabbid's lair and prevent Mad Rabbid to turn Rabbids into felines.

In Excalirabbid, he attacks his assistant for misusing the Multi-Purpose Plunger and tries to get it back from Sir Roland.

Season 4[]

In the season's first episode, Mad Rabbid and the Secret of the Flying Submarine, He discovers the Flying Submarine buried underground in Rabbidland. And at the mid-credits, He pressed a button that shows a nuclear sign on the screen, and while he tried to press it again, his newest assistant Secur-X tells him not to push it again, but he didn't listen, he decided to do it again. Causing the Submarine to send off a huge plasma beam, making it completely terminate the whole junkyard, While a Mole Rabbid is flying off. He leads the Rabbids to search for Pretzel Island.


  • Inventor

Professor Mad Rabbid is a genius inventor capable of creating various gadgets and devices (such as a cloner to a gene-splicer) from seemingly simple objects. He is also capable of creating artificial Rabbids such as the Rabbidstein Monster. List of Inventions

  • Invisibility Formula
  • Super-Duper Clad Underpants
  • Anti-Gravity Ray
  • Several Gadgets For Agent 000Zilch
  • Cloner
  • Gene Splicer
  • Donut Tracking Device
  • The Rabbidstein Monster


  • He is the first Rabbid to get to the moon in the tv show.
  • The bump on his head might be a small nod to Dr. Emmet Brown from Back to The Future (specifically the Doc that Marty meets in 1955). they also both have a similar hairstyle as well.

