Kevin is the main antagonist of the rabbids invasion episode Rabbid Market. He is employed as the Pepper Juice mascot in the Pepper Juice section of the Market.
Like most characters, he's tall and skinny, and also wears a pepper suit.
In Rabbid Market he is seen trying to entertain customers by exclaiming how good Pepper Juice is, the Rabbids see him and assume he's the Pepper on the Pepper Juice commercial. Unlike other villains in the show, he tries to escape the Rabbids but the Rabbids capture him and eat his costume, at the end of the episode he shows his villany and he forces a Rabbid to do his job, however to his despair the Rabbid liked being a mascot and danced with some other costumers.
He made one final appearance in Elevatorus Rabbidinus where is seen at a party with Ashton wearing the same costume as he wore before.